After two weeks of blogging I can say that the idea of an our personal courseblog is very interesting. We can learn from other people, from their suggestions and corrections. There is always something to learn!!!
Using the computer is a thing I don't like so much, but it is also a great opportunity to be familiar with it. Nowadays computers are part of our life!!
As we don't have many possibilities to write in english it is also a great opportunity of language-learning, because on a blog people can write what they want, often in an informal style, and so it is the same as speaking, even if the other person you speak with is not sitting in front of you.
Often the time I have to do the e-tivities is not much, because I have to attend other lessons and, as I come from Ferrara, I have to spend about two hours a day in train; however I always find the time to do them, because it is an enormous opportunity to see what people think of my work, to express myself and my personality and also to see other people's personalities and their behaviours about certain things.